A little poem came out — actually a lot of poems are coming out now — a lot more words - my heart has always been sensitive - I didn’t always trust it all but I am starting to see — I can trust my heart. Can you trust yours?Cheers to trusting our hearts more and more as we move forward in these times.
Have you ever asked yourself What's In The Way?
What's in the way to starting?
Or starting over?
Or starting again?
Have you ever dived deep down into the abyss of your heart and took a look around?
Have you ever listened to the tiny whispers, or silent screams, or loud songs calling you forward?
Have you ever sat with the pain long enough to notice the subtle shifting awareness melting into nothingness?
Have you ever traveled across the universe, crash landed into another, and looked into eyes that truly saw you, for you?
Have you ever sat in silence wondering, wishing, longing for an answer that never came?
Have you ever danced wildly in the dark, releasing all your fears?
Have you ever wished upon a star in the blackest night or blew wishies from a dandelion into the summer soaked air?
Have you ever wanted to say one more thing before it was too late?
Tell Me, Where Does It Hurt?
Tell Me, What is in the Way?
Tell Me, What I could I have Done?
Tell Me, And we can Start.
Tell Me, And we can Start Over.
Tell Me, And we can Start Again.
Across The Universe - 18” x 12” - Mixed Media On Paper